Monday 7 May 2012

Chocolate Fudge Triangles :D

Once again, this is from "The Cookie and Biscuit Bible", its also probably the most unhealthy thing i've even made, but i don't care because it tastes sooo good :D
Sorry the photos are kinda rubbish but it was around 10:30pm when i was doing most of the recipe so the lighting wasn't amazing.

This recipe uses a lot, (a lot!) of chocolate and condenced milk, so if you aren't really a dessert person or you don't like really sweet things i probably wouldn't recomed these for you. Fortunatly i love sweet things so these were great for me :)

For the fudge you can use hazelnnuts if you like, i didn't because i'm allergic and i don't think it affected the the triangles in a bad way at all. remember to keep stirring the chocolate and condenced milk the whole time you're melting it, or it goes kinda weird.

If you plan on making this make sure you have a lot of time because you do have to chill it for 15 mins, then add another layer, cill again ect. and at the end you can chill it for 2-4 hours as the recipe says but i just left it in the fridge over night and it was fine. :)

once again there's mooore chocoalte, (fine by me :) make sure you don't melt the chocolate for to long after all the lumps are gone because it goes a little grainy if you do.

Make sure that once you take your fudge out of the fridge to cut it that you don't take to long because it goes soft really quickly. Then once you're done put it back in the fridge until you need it. if you like you can cut it smaller than the recipe calls for and use them as little sweets. someone also talked to me about making them as wedding favours.

I would recomend this recipe to anyone with a sweet tooth :) happy baking :Dx

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