Monday 30 April 2012

home bake update :D

I've tried out a couple more recipes from "The Cookie And Buscuit Bible" and i'll blog about them tomorrow afternoon :) sorry about using that book so much but i've only just got it so i'm trying out loads of recipes because the all look so amazing!:D

So  i don't become to repetative i'll be putting up an entire recipe next week some time for my grans reaaalllyy yummy malteaser slice. i'm pretty ecxited that i get to make this next week because it really it's my favourite home bake.. like ever :)  i aslo have a lot more recipes from my gran that i'll blog about including amazing fruit loaf and cute crispy cakes :D

thanks :D x

Chocolate and Cinnamon Tuiles :)

This recipe is also from "The Cookie And Buscuit Bible" by Catherine Atkinson with recipes by Joanna Farrow and Valerie Barrett.

I have to say i was a little nervous making tuiles for the first time and it did take me a couple of tries to get the hang of it, but overall i think it turned out okay.

Ever since i did the cinnamon challege (terrible idea) i've been avoiding cinnamon for a while but seeing as this recipe involves chocolate as well i thoight it would be okay :)

This recipe also requires folding in flour and seperating egg whites which i normally find pretty difficult (because i'm really clumsy) but i actually did pretty well, just take your time:)

I used a little more Cocoa powder than the recipe called for after trying a couple with the right amount because i wanted the flavour to be a little stronger. I was a little worried about the cinnamon being overpowering but it actually worked really well, not very strong, just enough to taste it.

It took me a few tries to make the tuiles thin enough to go crisp  after i took them out, but if you make them to thin they burn quickly.

<<< i think this was my best one :)

I think  i'll try this recipe again soon just to see if i can get it right the first time :) i would recomend you try this recipe when you have plenty of time for trial and error. but once you get them right they do taste really yummy :D x

Sugar Cookies :D

Alright so to start, the recipe i used was from "The Cookie And Biscuit Bible"By Catherine Atkinson with recipes by Joanna Farrow and Valerie Barrett. I only got the book at the weekend so i expect i'll writing about a few more recipies form this book in the distant future :)

 Sugar cookies are brilliant because they're really really smiple and i love this recipe because it doen't need milk or eggs which is awesome because i always run out of them first. The instructions in the recipe are very clear and simple so even if you don't bake a lot you'll know exactly what to do :)

Another good thing about this recipe is that halfway through you neeed to chill it for a half hour, this means you can just forget about it for a while, go the the shop, hoover whatever you want and then put them in the oven when you you're done.

The sugar around the outside of the cookies kinda caramelised while they were cooking which was really nice and made them taste a little toffee- ish.

 For these cookies i would recomend making the dough and putting it in the fridge before you eat your tea/dinner and then put them in the oven when you're finished. This means you can have warm cookies for your dessert :)

This is a great recipe and i'll definitely be making these cookies again, they worked out really well :D x

Sunday 29 April 2012

This is a start i guess :)

So, to pre-heat the hypothetical oven of my blog, i'll start off by telling you what this blogs about :)

I totally hate it when i start a recipe, get really excited about whatever i'm making and then half way through it flops, or comes out of the oven all gross, or just doesn't taste good. So i'm going to use this blog to review and recomend some recipes and maybe put up some of my own :) :Dx